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Old 05-08-2013, 03:51 AM   #888
OVR: 4
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: San Diego
Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Originally Posted by erod550
What's with every CPU infielder being able to make the transfer from glove hand to perfect full strength throw in .000001 seconds while being completely off balance? It really affects the balance of hits vs outs in the game and is extremely disappointing that they don't at least have some sort of arm strength or accuracy penalty when they're making every throw hurried and off one foot yet it's still a perfect throw every time. I've even seen catchers lunge out from behind the plate and already have a throw off to 2nd base before the batter is even out of the box, and when you look at the replay there was no transfer. The ball just morphs from the glove to already in their hand cocked back for the (as always) perfect throw.

It's a rare occurrence that a fielder will actually stop and set his feet before making a throw and it really kills the realistic feel of the game because unless they're charging a slow roller or something no one ever makes those awkward off balance throws off their right foot on routine plays. It also makes it so speedy runners still get doubled up on almost every ground ball with a runner at first. Quite frustrating.
I have plenty of videos of these types of plays.
There are some really bad animations in the game when it comes to CPU fielding. And on routine plays at that. Catchers seem to be the worst.
(Too many) fielding animations are way too rushed and unrealistic. Just like you say, throwing off balance and just making tough plays way too cleanly and effortlessly.

My guess is that a couple years ago, a few people felt that the animations were too slow--fielders took their sweet time, or too many steps or glove pumps before making the plays, and personally I think the developers overcompensated. "Guess" being the key word there.

Last edited by treyraq; 05-08-2013 at 03:56 AM.
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