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Old 05-10-2013, 06:50 AM   #5
noles367's Arena
OVR: 9
Join Date: Mar 2006
Blog Entries: 16
Re: GM Connected NHL 14

While the mode is great, I think it needs a lot of work.

The custom rosters and sliders seem to be a must. It would be easy to implement or so it seems.

The progression system really needs changed. Guys go up or down at random. I understand its hard to correlate stats with progression. But it's all messed up. We're in year 3 and there are a lot of guys who have amazing puck skills (high 90's) who are super slow or just terrible at everything else.

The contract system needs to be reworked. Were kind of in the dark about a players interest except for years/dollars. Theres much more that goes into free agency than just that. Also would like to resign players mideseason to feel like a real GM. Maybe even no movement clauses.

Hopefully the presentation of the mode will improve. I'd like to be able to look at news and box scores and have a better feel for what is going on with my team, and others around the league. Maybe have like an setup where you can access different info.

The award system could be improved. Name 3 finalists and have a ranking during the season of who is in the running. It's kinda lame you only get to see who wins at the end of the year.

I'd like to see coaches implemented. Even if they are generic, maybe make a system like HUT where they influence different attributes and also the chemistry of the team.
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