Documents: EA Sports designed games to replicate existing NCAA athletes
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05-11-2013, 12:59 AM
*ll St*r
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Re: Documents: EA Sports designed games to replicate existing NCAA athletes
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This. They skirted a line, as it is described. There were strict actions that were prohibited by NCAA (names and pictures) that EA avoided using. However, there was intention to get "likeness" (height, weight, race, position, home state) that were used. It will be up to the courts to determine if these actions "crossed a line", since there was no violation of explicitly prohibited actions. Even if found guilty, it wont be then end of virtual college football. It's far too profitable. EA might lose exclusivity of licensing (or lose all licensing), but it will be an opportunity for another company to make a better game. The sky isnt falling. This actually might be fortuitous for gamers.
I think people might be forgetting if the stakes are high enough, unfortunately, jobs might be lost, too, and not just the higher ups, if and when a decision is rendered.
That's the trajedy of the situation, game or no game.
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