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Old 05-19-2013, 01:05 PM   #3
Madden Dev Team
DeuceDouglas's Arena
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Re: Madden 25 Quick Hits: Hit Stick and Heat Seeker Tackling by ShopMaster

I will say it’s not easy to pull it off as I wiffed more than I wanted to but when you do land it, it feels good.
I really hope it is. I think there should be a ton more risk than reward in terms of it. I don't really care if a guy has 99 hit power. Hits do not always a tackle make. I still think it will be far too easy though.

If you decide to steer in without using heat seeker (or turn the heat seeker option off) you are not subject to the fake out system with a user controlled defender.
This is something I don't really get. I'll have to see how it works out but I think I'll leave it on if this works how I think it works. I'd rather have my players be penalized for being weak than me being able to over compensate for bad ratings with 'stick skills'. I think the players should be subject to the fake out system regardless of whether heat seeker is on or off.
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