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Old 05-20-2013, 03:04 AM   #1
13whitebread's Arena
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Icon5 Immerse me into NHL 14

First let me say EA sports is missing a big opportunity for sales by the product that they put out forth in the NHL series. I want this game to immerse me into the game from not only a presentation aspect but also a game play standpoint include the little things we have been talking about for years. Playoff beards for one as well as TV style presentation. I want the playoffs to feel different from not only the gameplay but from the crowd as well. All the stadiums feel the same. And where do you play a video game sport where even the lead announcer does not even cover the game anymore. Its right here with NHL hockey by EA sports. This is not a thread to rip on EA but one that I hope improves it. Every year it seems that EA starts off with the same blueprint of the game and only tweaks it. I want them to grab me and want me to play NHL 14 even when the Hockey season is over this can be attainable by more attention to detail. Sorry that's the Marine in me coming out. Help us to help you. EA has to listen to us eventually don' they? What other immersions aspects would you guys like to see?
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