That is an oversimplification of what I was saying and you know it. First, if you think "I'm not impressed" is "constructive criticism", you need to pick up a dictionary and read the definition of the word "constructive."
I dont know how this post.....
"Crazy, everyone is praising Madden for simply bringing back features that were in the game since 08. Everyone seems to be drooling at the mouth over recycled features. Its a real shame! This is not an effort whatsoever from EA, I don't care what anyone says. "
.....could be considered constructive. It ignores that the "recycled" modes have new features that werent in previous versions. It also puts the dev in a no win situation. If they dont add those features back people are pissed off and complaining. When they do add them back, people like you complain that they shouldnt have removed them. Finally, it belittles the people who are excited about the features and the additions made to them.
I hold simple posts like "This is awesome" and "I am not impressed" in the same regard with one difference. Neither of those comments add much to the conversation but the negative one is more likely going to lead to an argument. I dont give a **** what your opinion is about the game is as long as you make intelligent, fact supported arguments either way.