Bro I'm a 23year Madden vet. I been through the bad and good of madden over the years. Of the 8years of Madden been on the current Gen console. I've owned 2 maddens out of these 8 years. Madden07 and Madden11 which I still play until this day. Because I have not like the last 2 maddens that have been out. But from those few seconds of footage I saw in the video today of Madden25. I feel like that this new crew is trying to get together. I feel that gameplay will be solid this year. It might not be perfect. But it will be solid. EA has gone as far as they can with this current engine on the current Gen. Hopefully next Gen they can make the running and blocking and other gameplay look better. But I believe that Madden25 for this year will look much better then it has in past few years. But I'm not going overboard yet. Still waiting until we get more video footage in the next few weeks from E3.