Sim-World NBA 2k13 Roster Project (for 360)
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05-30-2013, 10:55 AM
SimWorld Sports Inc - CEO
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Re: Sim-World NBA 2k13 Roster Project (for 360)
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Quote taken from RED MC thread
Could Ronyell still be working on something? #fingers crossed
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So is there not going to be another update? Same thing seemed to happen last year, just all of a sudden stopped updating.
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Ahhh crap! Got excited for a moment when I saw the thread bumped
I've tried getting in contact with Sim World team and talked a bit with CWSapp. But he's in charge of the draft classes and couldn't say for sure if there would be an update or not.
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~: AkaDemiK :~
it can't end like this..
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For the past 2 weeks I've been working on creating a working file! I have used the Trifecta-roster as a base and copy/pasted the Sim World ratings and tendencies in... I did this to use it for myself and had no plan on releasing any of it, but seeing this thread getting bumped several times I decided to ask vtcrb if the Trifecta team would have any issues...
Vtcrb had no problem with it, so if there's any interest I should be able to get a quick play roster w/o injuries up this saturday.
If everything seems to be in order I will continue to work on the association-in-progress-file.
A couple of things:
1) I've just copy/pasted everything - I don't know anything about the formulas the SimWorld team use to create ratings & tendencies. So if you disagree you'll have to edit it yourself!
2) Which coaching profiles do you guys prefer? The ones from YaK or Ronyell?
3) The SimWorld 2013 draft class is not up to date. Anybody have the skills to bring it up to date - if not I'll just use the 2013 class as it is!
4) I will not create multiple association files like Ronyell did! So the user team will be the one I decide to play as (most likely the Jazz or Magic).
So, any interest in this?
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Is there going to be a off-season roster?
EDIT: Dead project I guess..
alright alright guys. had to take a brief hiatus to enjoy the work that we had done (play my association), help CWSapp & Dreece with the fictional classes, enjoy some of my birthday month & enjoy some REAL LIFE NBA. sorry guys...
im just not one of those guys that WANTS to edit all year long. i like to get to a point & then enjoy. I edit because i have OCD & if there are errors after whatt i consider the "final" release; i edit my association as i go. I'm an association head so all of my edits are to get me to a playable association mode. Im currently in November 2nd of 2014 of my association if anybody wants that file.
all that being said... there will be another ROSTER file coming at some point in the near future & an off-season association file after the playoffs end because it was a tireless process to make 17 different association files (not doing that again this year). & lastly, it seems as if i'm all alone on the editing front at this point in the season, so all edits will be solely on me & my business is pretty busy this time of year.
If anybody is pretty knowledgeable of our work, wants to help & is willing to communicate via phone or XBL, PM & we can discuss a Sim-World team addition.
thats all i got for now guys. #toodles.
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