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Old 06-02-2013, 05:32 PM   #1054
kongemeier's Arena
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Re: Sim-World NBA 2k13 Roster Project (for 360)

Originally Posted by kongemeier

For the past 2 weeks I've been working on creating a working file! I have used the Trifecta-roster as a base and copy/pasted the Sim World ratings and tendencies in... I did this to use it for myself and had no plan on releasing any of it, but seeing this thread getting bumped several times I decided to ask vtcrb if the Trifecta team would have any issues...

Vtcrb had no problem with it, so if there's any interest I should be able to get a quick play roster w/o injuries up this saturday.

If everything seems to be in order I will continue to work on the association-in-progress-file.

A couple of things:
1) I've just copy/pasted everything - I don't know anything about the formulas the SimWorld team use to create ratings & tendencies. So if you disagree you'll have to edit it yourself!

2) Which coaching profiles do you guys prefer? The ones from YaK or Ronyell?

3) The SimWorld 2013 draft class is not up to date. Anybody have the skills to bring it up to date - if not I'll just use the 2013 class as it is!

4) I will not create multiple association files like Ronyell did! So the user team will be the one I decide to play as (most likely the Jazz or Magic).

So, any interest in this?
I've uploaded the quick play roster to 2K Share undet GT: Kongemeier (there might be some weird stuff with the coaches though...)

Here's the Association-in-Progress-file (Orlando Magic):

EDIT: Forgot to add that the shoe file that goes with this is exogenesis33 from the Trifecta Thread (think it's post 623 in that thread)
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Last edited by kongemeier; 06-02-2013 at 05:45 PM. Reason: Forgot the shoe file
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