Take out the line about it being "M25".....and you have the EXACT same thing that's been said over and over and over again.
Talk is cheap,it's time to "walk the walk".....there is VERY good reason why folks are "pessimistic" about Madden every year...we've heard all the "fancy" talk about "this or that" being in the game..how "such and such" has been added to have the game being the "authentic" experience that we crave.
Then what happens?? well,I think you know (or should know).
Look dude,we get it...you being overly optimistic is something that has been shown by the abundance of threads you start,and your comments in various threads.
Oh and you're not "praising" the game? really?....in every thread I've read you're either praising what the game will be this year,or your praising the devs.
So for you to say folks are being "pessimistic"....we've all heard the talk...it's time to "walk the walk".
if I came off sounding harsh,I apologize for that....but we've all heard the same "apology" talk and excuses for years now,and quite frankly?....it's beyond old.