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Old 06-03-2013, 07:03 PM   #175
Big FN Deal
Big FN Deal's Arena
OVR: 33
Join Date: Aug 2011
Re: Madden NFL 25 Presentation Details, New Sideline Reporter Added (Name Not Reveale

Originally Posted by KANE699
I'm just going to put this as simple as I can, and you'll just have to trust me that coming from personal experience and what I know from my tenure that what I am about to say is fact.

Just because they write something in a blog or mention something over twitter or even via a video, does not mean that what you are hearing is the truth.

I have seen it first hand and already seen it occur for Madden 25.

It's not pretty and I don't love that it happens but there is nothing I could nor can I do now about it, at this point as far as Madden goes you are going to have to see everything with your own eyes to make a real judgment because I can promise that you absolutely can not expect the information you are given to necessarily be true.

They are not obligated to prove anything to the fans either, so it just tough cookies when it comes to this matter.
This seems to echo AJ/Adembroski's comment on Twitter about "you guys are lied to so much", appreciate the candor Kane. It just seems so pointless for them to bs anyone because those of us that are paying attention see things don't add up in-game and those who aren't, don't really care what's said anyway.

I look forward to the day I don't have to deal with EA Tiburon to play a NFL football game. They have somehow managed to turn football gaming, which I have enjoyed immensely since "10 yard Fight" at the arcade, into politics. Wish we could vote about it, lol.
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