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Old 06-06-2013, 12:46 AM   #34
infemous's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25: What's Hot and What's Not

Originally Posted by Trackball
I'm so sick of hearing this.

Maybe if someone from EA said "Okay, we admit it, we screwed up with Madden 06" (and they DID screw up, I admit that), maybe these comments will stop.

Or not. Some people are never happy, throwing out the donut because of the hole.
Why are you so sick of hearing this?

Is it not true?

Were the vast majority of these features not included in Maddens from less than 2 years ago?

Why are you taking exception so specifically to my opinion?
You're acting as if I should be grateful they took out a bunch of features I and many others enjoyed, only to put them back in and market them to us like they're innovative.

Am I missing something? I'm genuinely confused.
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