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Old 06-06-2013, 09:51 PM   #1
Steve_OS's Arena
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LeBron James is the Cover Athlete For NBA 2K14, King James Bonus Pack Revealed

2K Sports has just announced LeBron James as the cover athlete for NBA 2K14.

They have also released details for the LeBron James Bonus Pack for anyone that pre-orders for the Xbox 360 or PS3.

According to Kotaku, there will not be a Wii U version this year. Xbox One and PS4 versions will launch when the consoles arrive later this year. Owen Good also mentions the current and next-gen games will be uniquely different experiences that harness the power of the platforms.

Polygon's Samit Sarkar has noted the following in his article.

The current-generation versions, at least, will feature a new mode called Path to Greatness, which will feature cover athlete LeBron James.
Steve Noah
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