Played M13 just last night. And while there are encouraging aspects to the video - combo pass blocking ( while it may not be double team that people are looking for, it appears that OL players have a better AWR to them - seemingly adjusting on the fly- which all alone is fantastic), there are things that right away give me a nauseated feeling.
Sorry if that brings anybody down, but EA gets no leniency from me cuz "current consoles are so very hard to program for, and the tech is so limiting"!
I have no sympathy for 'em. And that "gameplay" video was underwhelming to me. They missed a chance to "wow" me with stuff like;
4 man rush with actual full on double team pass blocking. Double coverage of wide outs, tipped passes that don't "bound" straight up, Chiefs' "gunner" coverage of a TE, any TE being pressed at all, a dive at the end zone without the stupid "showboating" aspect, a true consecutive hit scenario, an allusion to a more sophisticated injury system, a ball carrier reaching for the first down or end zone line, a DB getting destroyed by a lineman (Doriandonp's clip should have had that or a quick side step by the defender who appears to be "suction blocked"), a punt that actually bounces backwards, the wind sweeping a FG attempt wide and so on and so forth.
Any of that would have "wowed" me, and I am not wowed or even excited after that video, sorry if that drags on you, but I think of it in terms of where we should already be, not oh yeah finally they got "blank".