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Old 06-13-2013, 06:21 PM   #31
Mikey88's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Aug 2005
Re: E3 2013: Hands-On with NHL 14

Originally Posted by Money99
I loathe online. I've only been online a few times but in those handful of occasions, I've heard so much swearing, trash talk, homophobic slurs, you name it.
None of my friends have this game so it's basically left to OS members. But then I need to schedule a game with them.

I'm old - nearly 40. I've been bread on offline gaming and that's how it'll be the rest of my life.
NHL2K3 had unbelievable AI. Every game felt different and organic. If that could be done on a PS2, then why can't it be done on a 360 or PS3? And certainly on the next-gen boxes.

If EA's solution to crappy AI is 'play online' then they can say goodbye to my annual $60 donation to bug-test their games.
Half the time I don't even have the sound on in my game, rarely do I use my headset unless I know the person or something. I've received racist, insulting messages from other players but I pay no mind, block the person and never think about it twice. It doesn't deter me from playing
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