06-18-2013, 04:04 PM
Re: NCAA Football 14 Demo is Available Now, Post Impressions Here (360, PS3)
Oregon (me) vs. A&M
Lost 7-17
AA difficulty for both offense and defense
No slider changes
I ran 4 verticals every single play. Threw 4 interceptions.
In NCAA 13, if I did that I would win 42-7 or something.
Game feels like butter. Very smooth. Great hits.
Was not impressed with crowd sound improvements that were supposedly added. I turned it up in settings, helped a bit. Still want the HUGE ROAR when a touchdown happens. Oh well.
Really was impressed, but like I said, I just ran 4 verts to see if I could torch the CPU like last year. Didn't happen.
Johnny Football was crazy. The computer read option is fantastic.