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Old 06-19-2013, 11:22 PM   #4
Big FN Deal
Big FN Deal's Arena
OVR: 33
Join Date: Aug 2011
Re: Madden NFL 25 Next-Gen Q&A with Creative Director Rex Dickson

As much as I like what's being said concerning next gen Madden and choose to be optimistic about it, I still wonder why all this special tech is needed to get Madden to do stuff other games seem to already be capable of. Now it could be that this stuff is more advanced than anything ever done in gaming or that they had to do unique things to account for the whole shorter branching animation tech Ian started. Either way it's odd the way things like "contextual awareness" get a fancy title and label when that was just something run of the mill in that other football game in 2004 and got patched into that other football game with physics.

I will stop there because I don't want to come across as if I'm complaining about the things being touted, I don't care what it takes to get a solid football game done at this point as long as they do. It's just over these last going on 9 years I have come to realize I just don't like the way EA Tiburon does things and I miss when there was other licensed games on the market and I couldn't care less what Tiburon did or didn't do.
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