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Old 06-21-2013, 03:57 PM   #1
Iceman87GT's Arena
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Lilburn, GA
Uniform Updates 6.0

The new teambuilder site has launched which means we now know what will be on the disc when the game releases July 9th!

SEVERAL TEAMS HAVE GREY FACEMASKS THAT DON'T HAVE GREY FACEMASKS ON THE PS3 (some teams on the 360 are also experiencing this issue, but it is rampant on the PS3).This is a BIG Issue.
  • They know about the issue and they are working on a solution. I will update as more info comes in.
  • BonesKnows85 compiled a list of all the helmets affected by this glitch on the PS3.
  • LINK. There are over a 100 helmets affected, he also documents the color the helmets should be.
Color Code:
BLACK - Normal entry.
All-Blue - as far as I can tell this uniform is now up to date.
Part Blue Part Black - Some of the issues with this uniform have been addressed, some are still missing.

List v.1:
  • Akron - New Helmets, not sure if these are their new main helmets or if they zipper stripe is a one-time deal.
  • Arizona - Red Uniforms should have numbers that fade from Blue to Red, not Red to Blue. Also there shouldn't be an A on the right hip.
  • Arizona State - Have worn White helmets with Black pitchforks twice (once so far this season).
  • Arkansas - They changed the decal on the White helmet. Here is a pic of the new home jerseys the only difference is the lack of a gradient on the numbers (because of the new rule). Helmets should have a grey gradient at the back as seen in this photo. Another look at the new white helmet decal.
  • Arkansas State - New Alternate White Helmets. Grey Jerseys. Also they have gone with the same logo on their helmets and jerseys, neither of these are currently correct in the game. Their alternate red jerseys have some weird issues. Helmets should be matte. They shouldn't have TV numbers at all, but oddly on the player's left there is a TV number over the claw marks and on the player's right side there is a TV number over the claws and on the sleeve.
  • Army - Rivarly uniforms from last year are missing. Helmets. They will have Black pants this year, no word as to whether these are now the default or if they are an option alongside the gold pants they wore last year.
  • Auburn - Got rid of the "War Eagle" from the back of their pants.
  • Ball State - Wore Red Pants week 2.
  • Baylor - The black jersey that are in the game are now illegal, as the number color should be different from the jersey itself. They have since updated the black jerseys with Gold numbers outline in Green.
  • Boise State - Shrunk the size of the bronco logo on their helmets.
  • Boston CollegeGold jerseys are missing from the game, they were actually worn last year despite them being removed from the game.
  • Bowling Green
  • Buffalo - Have switched to a matte Blue shell. Put a patch over the Buffalo on their jerseys, as part of a re-brand. Home. Away.
  • BYU - Throwback helmets with chrome decals.
  • Cal - Numbers should have a Bear watermark on them.
  • Central Michigan - Throwbacks, Helmets.
  • Cincinnati - Will wear these helmets in their opener. Matte White helmets.
  • Clemson - They made the paw on their helmets 15% bigger in time for the 2009 season, this has not been reflected in the game. Current. Old.
  • Colorado State - New Uniforms, simple but still modern, a new custom font as well. According to one article they do plan on doing the Orange jersey thing again this year, no idea whether they will go with actual throwbacks or use the same design as their normal jerseys like they have in year's past. Video.
  • Duke - The font on the black jerseys should be identical to the one used on their other jerseys.
  • East Carolina - BFBS Uniforms, will apparently be mixing and matching the black uniform pieces for the rest of the season.
  • Eastern Michigan - Wore Grey Matte Helmets with White Facemasks.
  • FloridaFont has changed (for the worse) on at least the Blue and Orange jerseys. Have switched to a new template (looks like the Pro Combat but without the Flywire Collar)
  • Florida Atlantic - Switched to White facemasks last year, they did not wear the red facemasks last season. Added New Helmets (possibly got rid of the white ones), and special gloves.
  • Florida State - Slight change to the uniforms, the numbers on the front are now bigger (also like every other ACC team they have a new conference patch instead of the generic pennant). This is key because at the moment, not only are they small, they are absurdly skinny. I will post a pic showing the difference between their actual number thickness and the way they appear in the game. Pants are made of a new material now, sadly they no longer have a sheen to them.
  • Fresno State - BFBS Uniforms. White Helmet. Throwback Helmet. It was originally reported that they would have a throwback uniform as well but in the video it is paired with their normal uniforms. Video.
  • Georgia State - Anthracite helmets These are their new defaults, the blue helmets will still be an option. New uniforms. Flywire Collar, appears to be one of the newest templates. Same font, but now with Anthracite outlines. Video. .
  • Georgia Tech – # Spacing Issue (See Below). New Uniforms (another angle), we'll see if they use this same design across the other jerseys in upcoming weeks. No Gold jersey, the old one is still in but we wore a newer version this past year. I have a suspicion that we are getting new uniforms all in the same template as the white and navy jerseys, but in case not, these need to be in. These white pants are also missing. The Gold nameplate on the back of the Navy jerseys and the White 2 jerseys is too big. I think I actually prefer it your way, but the size of it is causing the numbers on the back to be shorter than they should be. Actual. Game. GT on the Gold helmet should be the same size as the one on the White helmet (it's the right size on the white helmet). Here's how they compare in the game. Will be wearing throwbacks for their 100th Anniversary of playing at Grant Field on 9/26. Jersey.
  • HoustonNew Uniforms! Added a White helmet, also notice the Darker Red helmet with a metallic finish, this change was made last year, yet the shell in the game is the same as their 2011 shells. OLD: “Houston” across the chest should be bigger (Old, New) they made this change last year. Old Conference Patch Issue (see below).
  • Idaho - They have 2 black helmets, one was in the update the other has the "Vandals" script. Old Conference Patch Issue (see below).
  • IllinoisFacemasks should be blue, they used white facemask once last year and then switched to these for the rest of the seasons. New helmets, they should have a navy alternate helmet as well. They will be wearing the Orange I Helmets primarily but will still wear the Navy ones as a secondary option.
  • Indiana - Several new alternate helmets.
  • Iowa - Upgraded their template, they now have the Flywire Collar, note the fact that the B1G logo is Yellow not White. Also there is something wrong with their front bumper logo.
  • Iowa State – Cardinal and Gold are too bright, should be closer to USC’s colors than McDonald’s this has been an issue for a while now. Here's them in the Sun (this is the lightest they should ever appear, and I'm sure Cyclones fans would be happy if this is how they looked in game, but they are so much brighter and not anywhere close to their actual colors), and here's how they look the majority of the time. The Gold is not as bad as the Cardinal, but the Cardinal is completely off (it should be identical to the helmet color).
  • Kansas - New Uniforms! They moved the front Jayhawk and Adidas Logo, and they have that adidas treadmark design going on. There are multiple pictures of different blue jerseys floating around, some with Red cuffs, some are entirely Blue. GFGS. Additionally they have swapped the KU for a Jayhawk on their Helmets, adding a black helmet and a red helmet (The red one features an older Jayhawk logo than the others) to the mix.
  • Kent State - New Jerseys, including a baselayer. I imagine they will have a matching away jersey and possibly new pants, I will update this entry when those pics become available. Possible new Gold helmets? These were the version that we saw a while back when the new coach said they would have gold helmets when they made it to a bowl game, they went with another look (see below), will they be using these as alternate helmets? Will post more info as it arrives. Looks like they have new pants as well (no stripe), however I can't say for certain because of the angle.
  • Kentucky - Possible Grey uniforms this year, possible black helmet as well.
  • LA Tech - According to an article LA Tech has been in contact with EA and the changes to their helmet will be in the uniform pack. I am placing this here to prevent people from reporting it again in the future. Updated the font on their home jerseys (this change was likely also made to the away jerseys).
  • Louisville - Will have "Flat White" (matte white) helmets this year, I imagine these will be their normal helmets going forward. Looks like their black jerseys will make their first appearance in their new design. New Home Jerseys with their custom font (used in most of their other sports), they also show off some black pants, so it would seem that blackout unis are definitely coming this year.
  • LSU – They will be wearing the same unis they wore in the Peach Bowl. Purple Jersey. Notice the change in uniform template (modified Speed I believe) and the drastic difference in the striping and number font.
  • Marshall - The shade of green used for the pants is significantly darker than the shade used for the jerseys. The Green should be identical to the one used for the jerseys. Pics of the in-game version coming eventually.
  • Maryland - Pride 2013 Uniforms.
  • Memphis - Here are their new uniforms. Note the 2 new helmets as well.
  • Miami (FL) - # Spacing Issue (see below). Added an outline of Florida to the back of their helmets with a star indicating Miami's location.
  • Miami (OH) - Facemasks and gloves are visibly lighter than the red used throughout their uniforms. They look more Orange than Red.
  • Michigan - Tendrils are gone, some players may wind up wearing them from time to time but that is now a rarity.
  • Michigan State - Helmets have a metallic green look to them in the game, they are not metallic (haven't been since the uniform change in 2010), they should be dull, and darker in color.
  • Middle Tennessee - Have white helmets and black helmets, same logos for all. They will also be wearing a flagified version of the white helmet this season
  • Mississippi State - Will wear these helmets in their opener.
  • Missouri - Their Anthracite pants are missing from the game. Wore Anthracite Alternates for week 2. New Alternate Helmets, matte with chrome logo and facemask.
  • NavyRivalry uniforms from last year are missing, same goes with Army. They upgraded to one of Nike's newer templates last year, they should have a Flywire collar. The NAVY across the front has changed in font and shrunken considerably.
  • NC State - Both of their new helmets are incorrect. The Stripe on the white should be red outline in black, and white outline in black on the red helmet. In the game currently there is a significant amount of space between the main stripe and its outlines. Here's how they should look, game pics eventually.
  • Nebraska - the ones y'all added had the old sleeve stripes where one of them disappears when sleeves are set to tight. The stripes should be identical to the ones on the jerseys that the game shipped with.
  • Nevada - New Uniforms. Link to Gallery. They will be wearing white helmets, as their primaries. Wore Throwback Helmets week 2.
  • New Mexico - Have gone back to NOBs.
  • New Mexico State - New helmets for the Aggies, unique striping, and Pistol Pete's name is on the back. I don't know if all of them will have "Pete" or if they plan on putting each Player's last name there.
  • North Carolina - They will have a helmet where the logo is black outlined in white, this was not shown in the initial unveil, but it appears that it will be the primary helmet.
  • Northern Illinois – Should have a black alternate jersey, they have worn it quite a few times in the past few years. Any chance the Orange Bowl Uniforms will make it in?
  • Northwestern - Should have a Purple pants option in their current style (at the moment only the 09 pants have a purple option). Also they wore this black helmet last year not sure if that was a one-time thing or not. White Helmet to be worn this year.
  • Notre Dame - Helmet Issues refer to section below. It appears y'all added a new gold helmet to their selection, I have not tested it in the day yet, but I can tell you when there is any sort of overcast (or lack of a sun), that both of them still look like a dark brown with 0 shine on the PS3. They will have the Adidas treadmark pattern on them, possible change in the font?
  • Ohio
  • Ohio StateRivalry uniforms from last year are missing. New uniforms, updated their template, flywire collar, only real change in design being the addition of 7 Buckeyes to the back collar of the jerseys, representing the 7 National Titles that they claim. Also got new pants, where they have thinned the black stripes to better match the helmet stipe.
  • Oklahoma State – Numbers on the grey jersey should now be black outlined in orange (they made this change last season due to visibility issues). Several new helmets were worn last year. Carbon Fiber, Orange helmet. NOB on their Orange Jerseys should be white not black. The tint/hue on their black jerseys is far too obvious, they may actually have a green tint to them in real life, but it is not nearly as obvious as it is in the game current. Pics Soon.
  • Old Dominion - Black Jersey and pants are missing. Black Alternate Helmet (possibly a one-off). Front. Number. Logo.
  • Ole Miss - Possible new Chrome Helmets.
  • Oregon – White uniforms with the green feathers should have green iridescent numbers outlined in Silver, not yellow*. Is there any way to get the iridescent numbers into the game? That effect is now used for their home jerseys and both away jerseys. (*I seem to remember seeing a white jersey with green feathers having a yellow outline, it these do exist they have yet to be worn, whereas the silver outline versions were worn 3 times last year). Also the green helmets are far too light, the shell should be identical to what they have used for years, the only difference being they have shiny green wings instead of the O on the sides. New Silver Helmet with yellow wings that fade to black. The White Helmet should have a darker O on the back (I think this issue stems from the incorrect shade of green being used for the Liquid Thunder shell, that shell is no different than the one they used to wear (Green iridescent, like a mallard's head), but instead y'all put a much lighter shell (the shade that the wings should be) in the game with even lighter wings, it really throws that look off and apparently has affected the white helmet as well. Also the Ducks wore 2 different Liquid Carbon helmets last year (2 had the black O, 2 had the Yellow O).
  • Oregon State - They aren't able to have multi-colored facemasks in the game, which is why they don't have the Beaver Teeth.
  • Penn State - Have added a logo to their collar. Blue. White. Here's how they look on a player (well a mannequin)
  • Pittsburgh - Have added a Blue and White stripe to their helmets.
  • Rice - TV# Issue (see below). Wore helmets with Grey facemasks last year. Custom Undershirts. Should have a newer version of the techfit, than the one currently in the game.
  • Rutgers - Wore their new White helmets in week 2.
  • San Diego State – Will have new uniforms this season (again), much simpler design, the logo is now devoid of gold.
  • San Jose State - They have Gold alternates of their uniforms. Switched to Grey Facemasks.
  • SMU - Throwbacks.
  • South Alabama - They will have these new Red jerseys this year, another look at the helmet, and you can see some of the pants stripes.
  • Southern California - They upgraded their template last year, they should now have the flywire collar on both jerseys.
  • South Carolina - New uniforms. Link to more info.
  • Southern Miss – The Winner of their alternate helmet contest, apparently they decided to stick with the Grey Facemask despite the contest option having a black facemask.
  • Syracuse - New Helmets, closer look.
  • TCU - Will wear these in their opener, note the number font, y'all have the correct pattern on the numbers but the font itself is incorrect (it shows up properly in Teambuilder but not in the actual game). Helmet. Back. Side.
  • Temple - Wore these White Helmets in the opener not sure if they will be worn in the future. Matte Cherry Helmets.
  • Tennessee - White jerseys shouldn't have the treadmark pattern (if only every other adidas uniform was like that). Smokey Uniforms.
  • Texas - Slight update to their uniforms(update!). Updated the template and added a logo to the collar, and moved the TV numbers to the shoulders. White version. A view of the back. Pants. They will not have the flywire collar, so ignore that part on the white jersey. They will be wearing the numbered helmets for the rest of the year.
  • Texas A&M - Black Alternates.
  • Texas State - Moved the details about these helmets to the Rumors Section.
  • Texas TechNew Uniforms. Link to Gallery. They added a Grey version. Old Uniforms Notes: Numbers on the black and Red Jerseys should be white not the dark color that they currently are, they made this change last year. Red, Black.
  • Toledo – Looks like they shrunk the numbers and the team name on their uniforms, or at least they did son on their Grey Uniforms. OLD: Grey Uniforms are missing. Matte Blue with gold UT logo (on both sides). 2 other helmets with logo on one side and number (same font as on the jerseys) on the other: Gold, Blue. Wore BFBS uniforms on 9/14. Some pics make them seem almost blue, its definitely looks like they are black but they appear to have a navy tint to them (keep that in mind because black uniforms tend to have greenish or in some cases reddish-tints to them for other teams).
  • Tulane - Wore these grey uniforms in their opener, will have to wait and see if they got new unis in their other colors as well. Will be wearing more helmets over the next 2 years, it is not clear whether they will be wearing these, but it was made clear last year that they would have throwback style helmets for use in the future so keep an eye out.
  • Tulsa - New Jerseys, notice the white helmet! They wore a White helmet multiple times last year. They are identical to their normal gold lids but with a white shell instead of a gold one. Here's their white jerseys in action, also in the pic is the white helmet and a special undershirt that will presumably also be worn with the blue jersey.
  • UAB - Wore White helmets in the opener (firs such helmets in their history.
  • UCF - New uniforms. Appear to have added gold specs to the white Shell as well. Here's the Alternate Helmet. Black Jersey. White Jersey. Here's a better look at the gold jersey, showing off their conference patch too. Here's their new Black jerseys in action.
  • UCLA - Might be switching to these unnecessarily decorated uniforms, or they could be one-offs for their game against Nebraska. Will be wearing BFBS uniforms for a game this year.
  • UConn
  • UL LafayetteNew uniforms. Helmets (they have at least 6 now, 2 versions of each color). Black alternate (these were auctioned off after the game, and are now illegal because of a new uniform rule)
  • UL Monroe - New uniforms. Techfit with a simpler design. Dumped the original White techfits after one game. Only difference appears to be with the numbers, which were previously sewn on, they have been replaced with screen printed ones with thicker and darker borders, looks like an improvement to me.
  • UMass - They have a White and Maroon version of their helmets.
  • Utah - Wore red helmets with Black facemasks at least once so far this season (did not do so against BYU on 9/21). Player # and Pac-12 decals should be flipped on their helmets. Also worth noting is that the numbers have an extra white outline to them, not sure if this appears from a distance or only when zoomed in.
  • UTSA Orange uniform and Alternate helmet. Template needs to be updated to the Techfit. No idea if they will be using those extra-decorated ones that many adidas schools are switching too but the version in the game is and outdated template. Numbers should be identical to the ones worn by Rice and Arkansas State, currently they are missing the seriffs on some of their numbers. They will be wearing those alternate helmets again this year (no word on how many times).
  • Virginia – They have worn a orange helmet with a Blue facemask, several times and only once with the grey facemask (which was added in the Uniform pack #3)
  • Virginia Tech – Orange Jersey still has 4 sets of TV numbers (2 on each sleeve as it should be, but then 2 more over the stripes on each side), this needs to be fixed, it was an issue last year too. The Maroon is also too light an purple, should be closer to the color y’all use for Alabama than what it is now. Wore a new white helmet twice last year plus 3 one-offs (which will be posted below). The TV logo has been retired, The Collar logo on their jerseys should now be the standard VT logo. Their away uniforms should have names on the back (this change was made a few seasons ago and has not yet been reflected in the game.
  • Wake Forest - 2 New helmets, a larger all gold WF on one side and a Black WF outlined in Gold on the other. Matte Black, White. They have worn white helmets twice so far, both times the decals were the same size.
  • Washington – The purple jersey is showing up as all white in Teambuilder, hopefully this isn’t the case in the game.
  • Washington State - Grey helmets should have a grey facemask, they haven't used a crimson one in years. Also the helmet should be grey not silver (this may have been fixed between last year and this year but we can't tell from teambuilder alone, just covering all bases here).
  • Western Kentucky - Red. White. Black. The sublimation on the numbers is some kind of school seal. Also note the numbers may look similar to Georgia Tech's but they are skinnier! Video.
  • Western Michigan - New Uniforms and Helmets. Video (gives you a much better idea of what the helmets look like). New helmets (these may be obsolete now with their new uniforms). Also they wore these Alternates at least twice last year.
  • West Virginia - Grey Uniforms have 2 sets of TV numbers (similar issue to VT's Orange Jerseys) Image forthcoming.
  • Wisconsin - Red Helmets. On the players.
  • Wyoming - New Home Jerseys (match their away and alternate designs). They also wore these Camo/GFGS unis twice last season. They have worn a number of helmets over the past 2 years, its hard to keep up with which ones have been worn more than once. Will provide that info when it has been gathered. Their "White" and "Alt White" are nearly identical (facemask color is slightly different), their "White" Helmet should have no striping and the logo should be brown outlined in Gold, the "Alt White" helmet is correct. Pics Eventually. Possible New Helmet. Matte Brown Helmet with a Gold logo.
Helmet Issues: A handful of teams have helmet issues, these are present in both games but the PS3 experiences them more often because it is a port of the 360 version (cell issues).
  • Colorado
  • Notre Dame - They have a lot of helmet options and none of them are quite up to snuff. Only the 10 Gold Helmet works in all situations, as the default gold helmet turns brown in most conditions (clear skies during the day its fine, but once you start getting significant cloud coverage, or the sky starts getting dark it turns Brown). Its worth noting that the 360 version of the default helmet is not as bad, its still too dark but it at least has a golden sheen to it in some areas.
  • In General - Most metallic helmets on the PS3 version of the game lose their sheen as the day goes along (this also happens on the 360 but it is far more common on the PS3). Schools like Ohio State, Georgia Tech, Colorado, Notre Dame, and others have no "sparkle" to them after the sky reaches a certain darkness.
  • These things need to be tested on the Playstation version of the game before they are deemed adequate. You may be able to fix certain issues on the 360 but that doesn't mean they are fixed when you port them to the PS3. I don't know how you go about fixing this kind of stuff (I'm no game designer), but there has to be some way to figure it out so its working properly on both versions of the game.
  • Number Spacing: this has been an issue for a while for some teams. It appears to only occur with "custom fonts" like the ones used by Miami, and Georgia Tech (Oregon has also been affected in the past). It appears to happen when the number 1 gets centered, when all the other numbers are centered it isn't an issue because they all have the same width, however the one is considerably thinner in every case. So when it is centered there is a visible amount of spacing going on. SO while all the other numbers may be correctly spaced numbers including 1s will always have too much space.
    • Florida State - Not sure if this issue is due to the unusually skinny numbers or if there is an issue that would present itself even if the numbers were correct.
    • Georgia Tech - Current jerseys (the 2 new white jerseys, and the new Navy jersey) All numbers involving 1. Examples: 31, 10, Both, How it should be spaced.
    • Georgia - 11 is definitely an issue, I imagine it affects other numbers involving 1 as well.
    • Miami - All Jerseys including the Pro Combat. Example. How it should be. Another Example.
    • Nevada? - It looks kinda like they may have the same issue but I can't say for sure.
    • New Mexico State - numbers involving 1 are messed up (also they have a black outline that shouldn't be there).
    • Oregon - only on their 11 Pro Combats, and it only affects the number 11, whereas in the past it has been an issue for all numbers involving 1.
    • Rutgers - Pics soon.
    • Utah State?
    • Possibly Others - will update if I find anymore.
  • Idaho WAC Patch: Idaho's uniforms permanently have a WAC patch. This year they are independents and next year they will join the Sun Belt conference (I believe this move is built into dynasty mode, so by year 2 unless they are placed elsewhere they always move to the Sun Belt Confernce). Though in year 1 they have the patch and in year 2 they have the patch. It is never replaced with a new conference patch nor is the patch removed upon moving to other conferences. I don't normally report field stuff, but in this case it is directly related to this error, and may extend past that. When Idaho is in the Sun Belt they have the old conference logo on their field, as opposed to the new one, can/will this be fixed via a patch? This applies to all teams moved to the Sun Belt including those created in Teambuilder.
  • Houston CUSA Patch: Similar issue to Idaho, they should have a Big East patch, or no patch at all, instead they still have their old conference affiliation.
  • Double TV # Issue: This affects a handful of teams, including VT's Orange jersey, which was also incorrect last year. Some teams have double TV numbers when they should have 1, and some teams have double TV numbers when they should have none. And one team has 3 TV numbers (one set, and an additional one on only one shoulder), on a uniform that should have no TV numbers.
    • Arkansas State - Alternate Uniform should have no TV numbers, at all but it has 3 of them (1 set, and then one on only 1 shoulder).
    • Rice - Both their home and away uniforms have 2 sets of TV numbers, there should be no TV numbers on their uniforms. Blue. White. Real Life.
    • Virginia Tech - Their Orange jerseys have 2 sets of TV numbers, this was an issue last year, the fact that it wasn't fixed really raises some questions around here.
    • West Virginia - Grey jerseys have 2 sets of TV numbers, when there shouldn't be any, one of the sets is covering up the WV logos on the sleeves.
  • TCU Numbers - They are showing up correctly in Teambuilder but in the game they are a standard block with no black markings. I believe they have the correct skin design, but that's it.

Small Tweaks:

  • SEC - All teams should have the Circular SEC patch, some teams still don't have this reflected in the game.
  • Alabama - SEC Patch should be the roundel now used by everyone in the conference, the pennant was retired after the 2011-12 season.
  • Florida - The SEC patch should be placed at the bottom of the collar (exactly where the pendant was previously).
  • Kentucky - Round logo should be where the pennant is.
  • Ole Miss - Patch is missing altogether.
  • Texas A&M - Patch is missing altogether.
Future Teams: These are teams that aren't in this year's game but will be in next year's game, gotta make sure their unis are right too!

  • Appalachian State - New Uniforms. Front. Side. Helmets. I'm not ruling out the continued usage of these, I'm pretty sure they will have a gold option at some point(Gold Alternate (2). Black Alternate)
  • Charlotte - Home and Away, simple inaugural set.
  • Georgia Southern - Home. Away. They have worn Blue pants in the past at home and on the road, though I do not know how often this happens or if they will ever do it again.

Conference Patches: Conferences have really upped their patch game in the last few years. The ACC just joined the list, granted their new patches aren't very fancy, or even unique but they are a break from the pennants that have been used in the past. In fact it appears that all conferences but the Big 12 have gotten rid of the pennant patch. Here are examples of all the patches. I will be checking to see if any of the conferences are completely represented, if they are I will remove them from here. This is just a starter list.
  • ACC: All. Here's a look at where most of the teams will be putting the patch. I imagine Georgia Tech will be placing theirs where their current conference patch is since the Russell logo is on the right breast. BC. Clemson. Duke. FSU. GT. UMD. Miami. NCST. Pitt. SU. UNC. UVA. VT. Wake.
  • All American Conference - All teams. Cincinnati. Houston. USF. Looks like some will use a plain A, and some will have them in boxes. Rutgers placed the conference patch on their right sleeve (probably where the B1G logo will go next year, but of course y'all won't be able to use the B1G logo next year)
  • Big Ten: Iowa's Home patch should be yellow, not white. Illinois Home Patch. Their away patch is similar but the white is navy instead. All 3 of the patches in the game are wrong.
  • Big 12: ?
  • Conference USA: All(?) East Carolina, Marshall, Old Dominion, UAB, UTSA,
  • MAC: ?
  • Mountain West: ?
  • PAC 12: Arizona State, Washington State.
  • SEC: Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Ole Miss, South Carolina, Also teams with it correct on the jersey but using the old pennant on the helmet.
  • Sun Belt: All. Texas St.

NCAA: Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets, Kennesaw State Owls (Alma Mater)
NFL: Green Bay Packers, Atlanta Falcons
MLB: Baltimore Orioles, Atlanta Braves
NHL: Pittsburgh Penguins
RIP Atlanta Thrashers

Last edited by Iceman87GT; 09-22-2013 at 07:14 PM.
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