The Adidas Issue:
Adidas is not well-represented in the game, in this section I will explain what appears to be wrong and provide examples of how the uniforms should look. I will be doing this for every such uniform that appears to be misrepresented, which means this list could start to grow, though I'm pretty confident that I have all of them on this list.
Here's a list that I will eventually check against what is in the game, I'm just listing them for now so I don't forget later.
Notre Dame
*Denotes uniforms whose designs are outdated, this is in addition to them not having the proper Techfit look.
Details of the Issue:
- The mesh is too big, also too prevalent. It should only be noticeable in close-ups, and even then it is still hard to see from time to time depending on the angle, the colors, and the lighting.
- You have the right idea with Texas A&M, Mississippi State, NC State, New Mexico State, Indiana, and UMass.
- I don't doubt that the templates you have for all the school's listed above are the correct ones, but the holes should be smaller, and less noticeable, and it should appear more like solid material.
- Because Adidas's Techfits are super-stretchy, they look most accurate in the game when everyone on the team has their sleeves set to Tight. The problem here is that most school's sleeve designs partially dissappear when this option is selected. Y'all fixed this issue with Nebraska but all the other schools are still subject to it.
Here is an example of how different the uniforms in the game are from their real life counterparts.
EMU Game:

EMU in real life:

In both examples you can see the holes, but they stand out much more in the game version. Now here's a pic of the jerseys in action, same Green EMU jersey but now you can't notice the holes at all.
And Here's how they look in action in NCAA 14. And keep in mind this if from further out than the real life example and yet, you can still see the mesh design.
Some are a little more prominent than others (I used EMU because it was one of the better examples of actually seeing the holes in the real life uniforms, most of the time you can't see them, and even when you do they are never as obvious as they are in the top picture). And while this doesn't hurt the gameplay (in fact its hard to notice depending on what camera angles you use), it rears its ugly head after every play when we see the cut-screens, it can thrown off immersion, which is extremely important in this game. Here are 2 examples from that same game
FIU1. With the FIU one it should be ever harder to see the holes, because its a white jersey and the whole only show up in close-ups, yet you can still see the mesh design arguably more so than you can see it in the 2nd green example.
ONE-OFFS (I am listing these just in case, do not expect EA to make these available, they tend not to do that with one-offs):
- BYU - Will be wearing these for their homecoming game, no idea which words will go on the back of which jerseys.
- Cincinnati - Wore these Red helmets in their bowl game against Duke.
- Houston - Wore these Grey jerseys with an alternate helmet last year.
- Iowa State - Throwbacks to be worn against Iowa. If you include these please use the correct colors. Iowa State's regular uniforms are already too bright (they look closer to ketchup and mustard, than Cardinal and (Athletic) Gold). The Cardinal here appears to be the same color (same as the Cardinal used in real life that is, not the one they have in the game), but the gold is closer to a metallic Old Gold.
- Kansas - Black Uniforms which they wore with a White Helmet, featuring the Jayhawk logo
- Kent State - Wore these Gold Helmets in their bowl game last year.
- Mississippi State - this year's Egg Bowl uniforms.
- Nebraska - Will be wearing these on 9/14 against UCLA there is a chance that UCLA will be wearing a similar pattern on their jerseys (as opposed to them being the new uniform). Front. Back. Side.
- North Texas - Will wear a Frankenstein Throwback this year. Wearing a helmet logo from one era (they've never worn a stripe-less white helmet), a uniform design from another, and the uniform color from a 3rd era (resulting in 2 different greens being used). If these make it into the game I don't think anyone would be disappointed if they used the correct shade of green (Kelly Green). Video of the Unveil.
- Notre Dame - They will be wearing these against Arizona State. Helmet.
- Tennessee - Will wear a Smokey Alternate this year.
- UCLA - These could be what they are wearing against Nebraska on 9/14 as opposed to being a their permanent look.
- Virginia - 1968 Throwbacks
- Virginia Tech - Camo Helmets and Jersey (2012), 2013 Camo (will be worn against Marshall this year). Camo Uniforms (2013). Will have helmets based off of the stonework in their stadium, here is a in-progress look at the helmets (not necessarily a final design).
Flag-ified Stuff:
Rumors (Pictures circulating without confirmation, and rumors originating from reputable sites/people).
- Texas State - Turns out those Maroon and Camo helmets I originally posted in the main list were items that were auctioned off back in March. That doesn't mean they won't be worn but I would not be surprised if they were prototypes that won't get used.
- Tulane - We have seen a number of helmets rumored to be used over the past year, and often we have heard of new uniforms. This picture is circulating of a Tulane Grey Alternate. No confirmation as to whether it will actually be worn or if it was simply a concept. We could see new uniforms using this same template in their normal colors. We'll have to wait and see.
- Washington - Possible Chrome helmets this year (hopefully not).