This is first and foremost a tool for EA to use, discussion of Uniforms is welcomed and heartily encouraged, but not when it devolves into company, or person bashing.
1. Before suggesting any uniforms/pieces refer to the
^List^ as well as
Teambuilder. We will not list uniforms/pieces that are already in the game for Obvious Reasons.
2. You can discuss the uniforms, it makes the board more lively, but keep it constructive. Comments should be limited to how the uniforms look or commentary on trends (i.e. BFBS, GFGS), and reporting items for the list. EA should not be personally attacked, occasional groans about items missing are okay but do not make them a habit or get too negative with them.
3. Do not attack the suppliers, your personal vendettas against Nike/Adidas/Under Armor/Russell Athletic do not need to spill over onto this thread. You can certainly criticize the companies for their designs or tactics, but we don't need long spats, and there should be no claims that any of them are Evil or some variation of that sentiment. The schools ultimately decide what they wear, which means a bad look is not simply the designers fault.
4. We don't need to hear about so-called 'Corporate Douchebaggery.' Not only does it cause most of us to roll our eyes, odds are we've already read that opinion on Uni Watch (Paul Lukas has a better grasp on that concept which means its a little less annoying to hear it from him, but it gets tiring when people attach that tag to situations that don't apply). And those angry at PL, I can sympathize you from time to time; he is opinionated, and I do find myself disagreeing with quite a few of his opinions, but do not attack him for his views. He has a blog and a column on ESPN, he does not claim to be the end all be all when it comes to uniforms, he just happens to be the foremost authority and has an inside track on the going-ons. He is always giving his opinion and does acknowledge that doesn't mean he is necessarily right
5. I don't need pictures for things already on the list, unless I specifically ask for one. When the season gets going or when some of the newer unis get introduced it's fine to post pics and opinions, but I don't want this thread getting clogged up with stuff that has already been used (I will be providing those pics on my own).
Example: Someone posted a pic of a new Texas A&M helmet, this is perfectly acceptable, however posting a pic of Washington's White helmets or their home uniform is unnecessary and will only clog the thread up.
6. Please read the posts from your fellow OSers. There's a chance what you are posting has already been posted, and each duplicate,tripiclate or whatever-plate post makes this thread longer which makes it harder for me (and others) to go back and see what needs to be added (we don't want a uniform getting buried)
7. Please,
Do Not list one-time uniforms worn Last Year, this includes Throwbacks and Wounded Warrior uniforms. EA doesn't tend to add these in because they are not even an option after the season they are worn (99% of the schools who have those kinds of uniforms auction them off either immediately following that game, or at the end of the season). This goes double for Wounded Warrior uniforms, there are new ones every year and for the most part the same teams always get them. I will add throwbacks and special one-time uniforms that will be worn this season to the list, in the hopes that EA can add stuff into the game (i.e. they could actually be an option for this season).
8. I can, and will, tell you to stay on topic if need be, its not a job reserved for the moderators, who normally don't chime in until the thread is on the verge of being closed. It's our job (the posters) to make sure we never get to that "final warning".
9. The list of rules may grow if activity on the thread requires it.
10. If it's your first night you have to fight
Thank you Born4Corn, and WatsonTiger for providing some pretty good guidelines.
If you really want to bash uniform suppliers WatsonTiger has provided a link to a thread that is better suited for that:
Now you guys can post but please wait until I have posted the list (to avoid clogging up the thread at the start).