06-21-2013, 06:37 PM
OVR: 33
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Dominican Republic
Re: NBA Live 14 Executive Producer Talks Priorities, Synergy, Commitment & More
Thats why Synergy integration is so welcomed, they track a really wide array of standard and advanced stats, IMHO, by far the best site. The key to correctly portrait a player in a given timeframe, is to alter what he has been doing differently, be it tendencies or efficiency ... the difference is huge when you go the subjective route (2K) than when you go the route of facts (meassurable data).
I am all in for having players play as their real life counterpart during any timeframe of the season, so if for 5-10 games or so LBJ becomes R. Dupree 2.0, I would want his digital counterpart to do as well and if/once he regains his level, I want him to do it also ...
Now, add in the promised "after 1 hour" (non selective, based on past entries) updates statement and we may be inline to witness a true authentic depiction of the NBA, like never seen before.
Here is to hope that they can sustain such promise, that they can make propper use of this tool and back it up with neat animations and physics to showcase oncourt (there is more on a videogame than ratings and tendencies), if so, I believe this can be a deciding factor that helps Live be relevant again ... thus I am keeping my expectations in check, and at least want Live to show me sights of the future that they are aiming and signs of solid/serious effort being put onto it.
Last edited by ffaacc03; 06-21-2013 at 06:41 PM.