07-08-2013, 05:45 PM
Just started!
I will hold my criticism until I get my hands on the game in September. EA is known to hyping us with all these great fixes and additions to the game, only to fall flat when the game releases and do maybe 1-3 updates per year. I'm not holding my breath on these "goalie improvements".
Outside of that, and I know gameplay is important which is understandable, I'm a bit dumbfounded that after 7 years of this franchise on the Xbox 360, arena designs for the most part look the same, player models look the same, and I'm praying they FINALLY changed the announcing team. Madden has recieved plenty of visual overhauls even in it's presentation. The same can be said about FIFA and NCAA 14. NHL, it's been very minimal year after year. Sometimes I think EA in general aren't giving the NHL franchise the same love and care they are with FIFA and Madden.
We will see in September, but this being the last NHL of this console generation (kind of), I'm honestly not holding my breath or getting any bit hyped up for NHL 14.