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Old 07-14-2013, 12:37 AM   #84
survivalsounds's Arena
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: New York, NY
Re: Pasta Padre NCAA 14 Roster

Originally Posted by Mrbad31
Ya...well it is pastas with transfers added in there buddy. What exactly needs to be changed?
Nothing that someone can't change on their own if they are die-hard.

Most of these rosters floating around are mods of that same original roster... same misspellings, etc.

It's life-support until the OS Community Roster is completed.

As such, I further modded your mod because the coaches were named but the OC/DC and even HC ratings were terrible.

See notes and info. in the following thread if any of you want a fun roster w/ diversity in the coaching levels:

Keep in mind the player roster is highly imperfect, and the coach rating methodology can make things quirky due to the in-game boosts and impact on recruiting when you level someone up.
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