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Old 07-24-2013, 04:57 PM   #8
Wnahikian's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jul 2009
Re: Does anyone know when the Official OS rosters will be finished?

Originally Posted by lere2001
They DO NOT get paid to do the rosters! They are doing this as volunteers. Educate yourself before you post something like that
Well they do get donations, I believe that is what he was referring to. Either way it was a worthless comment and Carson and Co. always have the most accurate roster. I have looked at almost every other 360 Michigan State roster and every single one has at least one a major mistake, people have lives and sometimes issues arise in a persons life. Give them a break, sure they should post a simple daily update but that mistake is on them and I am sure the rosters will be more than make up for it. If I had the money to donate I surely would. Thanks Guys!
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