07-25-2013, 08:06 PM
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Anaheim, CA
Things Not Here Anymore (Madden Edition)
I was thinking recently of all the features implemented in the past and later removed for whatever reason. I've made a list (along with some comments) of what I can remember. I'm sure I'm missing a few, so if you can help me out.
Vision Cone - Flashlight sold separatley that year.
Weapons - If only this feature included a list of NFL players and the off-field weapons they carried.
Rewind - Moral question: Was this ethical to use?
Backtrack -I must have been a bad student; use of this tool increased my interception rate.
Helmets Popping Off - As often as it happened, I really believed chin straps were removed from the game that year.
Fight For The Fumble - Button mashing is no longer appealing after a certain age.
The Radio Guy - The result when you have to cut back on the budget and can't hire an announcing team.
Lead Blocking Control - In my world, you would have been able to do all sorts of illlegal blocks, get penalized for them and end someone's career.
Drills/Mini Games - These never made it to current gen (coffin corner punting anyone). They were beneficial and made practice fun. Apparently the decision to migrate fun by EA was not an option.
Tony Bruno Show - I liked the concept and how it fit into the game.
The Ambulance - If gameplay does not improve as we head into next gen, at least give us this back.
"Behind every fortune is a crime"