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Old 07-26-2013, 01:26 AM   #177
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Re: NBA 2K14 Community Team-Up Recommendations

Originally Posted by The_Throne2K11
Wow they invited YMDgento. This guys sounds like a copy of shakedown and chris smooth combined. I'm really disappointed at 2K with misleading everyone about the purpose of the "community" keyword "community" team up.

They have everyone thinking they have a chance to get invited to go play the game early when in fact all they want is free marketing. Well you know what change the name of the team up to something else because community doesn't fit well when it's not about the community.

Marketing to a bunch of little kids that subscribe to these so called commentators only tells me that they're catering to the casual crowd again and not serious about fixing the pile of mess that has been NBA2K for the last 2 years.

NBA Live 14 please give these jerks some competition, they've grown too arrogant and forgot where they came from.
I've pretty much given up with 2k making their NBA games more sim. With the emergence of the casual gamer 2k can't do anything but make it more causal. We can't change that. If 2k doesn't appeal to a broader audience then they don't sell. If they don't sell they drop the product. By the way I'm not a "little kid" and I'm subscribed to Gento, Smoove, Shakedown, IpodKingCarter and more. When you think about it, we are all adults playing a virtual game with virtual dolls of Kobe and LeBron that play basketball on a TV with a fake court and everything. We are all kids in a fantasy world. The thing is, that's what makes us love the game. The fact that we can go on to this fantasy court and play against random people we added as friends that we don't know in real life intrigues us. You don't realize how much the game has come since 2k1. Look at these pics. 2k7 and 2k14. AMAZING WORK by 2k. This is a reason for them to be "arrogant".
Arrogance is an exaggerated sense of one's importance or abilities to the point of being overbearing. How could 2k exaggerate something that wasn't there? We need to appreciate more and judge less. I want a good ball game just as much as you do.
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