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Old 07-29-2013, 12:59 AM   #1
(aka Alberto)
aholbert32's Arena
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Ok so the first version has been released and now we need the community's help.

I can promise you that there will be issues with the first version whether its names, equipment, bios or skin color. That's where you come in. Being college football fans, I'm sure many of you know your favorite teams well enough where you can look at the roster and tell us if there are any mistakes/issues with your team. If you are asking us to add a player, please identify the player that should be removed so the player can be added.

So let us know if you see any mistakes/issues by posting below. I hope to update the roster every two days at the latest with the information you provide. I also have BB09red working on the equipment edits right now so we will have a new version up soon.

One last thing. WE ARE NOT MAKING RATINGS EDITS. The goal of this roster is to make an accurate roster (correct names/equipment etc) without making ratings edits. If you want to edit the ratings and make your own roster off of this one....feel free.

Last edited by aholbert32; 07-29-2013 at 01:07 AM.
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