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Old 08-05-2013, 08:41 AM   #1
OVR: 0
Join Date: Dec 2005
Offseason Recruiting (Online Dynasty)

Hey guys! Longtime lurker finally posting here with a question about offseason recruiting -- It's for an OD but I'm not sure if that makes a difference...

Anywho, there's 4 users (including me) in the dynasty. We're in the conference championship week and I'm not sure what to do for offseason recruiting. This is our first season and I didn't get a chance to experiment in an offline dynasty. From what I've read, teams get 10,000 points (or some number that's higher than the regular season) and if you want, you can dump all your points into one guy if you so desire.

My concern is I only have 9 guys committed heading into the offseason. I have 7-10 guys still on the board that I'm number 1 on. I'm not sure what to do with the points. If these players are on a computer teams board, are they automatically going to get the max number of points, or does it depend who is on their board as well?

Basically my question is what should I do as far as a strategy? Maybe pick 2, 3, 4 guys and just go after them with all the points? Or something else? Thanks!!
LilDaVe678 is offline  
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