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Old 08-06-2013, 09:07 PM   #93
vannwolfhawk's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Features New Blocking System, Includes the Ability to Block Dunks

This could be a completely stupid idea,but what about using LT modifier with Y (jump) to square up to the offensive player and create some contact? This would obviously be a more aggressive block, hard foul as you would be creating contact, and there would be a higher chance of a foul being called so you would have to use it at your own risk as opposed to just hitting Y with limited if any contact and lesser fouls being called. This way you would get those animations around the hoop and change dunks into lay ups if you wanted to and at your own risk...

It would be a legit strategy. Like the Detroit bad boys of late 80's or the 76ers with Barkley and mahorn, or just be a manute Bol and try and swat everything with no contact. Lol

Idk like I said maybe its a dumb idea?! Lol just thinking outside the box:-)
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