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Old 08-07-2013, 02:05 PM   #138
quehouston's Arena
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The addition of blocked dunks are okay, I guess. But the real issue wasn't the fact that you couldn't block dunks, but the lack of contact in the paint, and the abundance of dunks in the paint.

Blocked dunks are rare in the NBA, simply because people getting dunked on, or attempting to dunk on someone is rare.

I feel like 2k is using this "new" feature, as a crutch to balance out current paint issues that they aren't focusing on in 2k14, like turbo dunk animations and the lack of contact before the takeoff.

In my opinion, the blocked dunks in 2k14 are gonna play a similar role as the missed dunks in 2k13. Safety nets to balance out the issues in the paint.

Bet we'll see though.

And another question: Are these blocks canned animations?
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Last edited by quehouston; 08-07-2013 at 02:58 PM.
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