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Old 08-11-2013, 09:47 AM   #184
NBA 2K Gameplay Producer, Offensive AI System - SIM NATION
Da_Czar's Arena
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Originally Posted by mango_prom
But there are dunk and block ratings already in the game. So why would you need these sig skills at all? Is there anything this would add to the game we can't reproduce with already existing ratings and animation packages?
You would miss the teammate/stamina boosts that you get when the special skill guy does his thing.

Also for things like chasedown the boosts are situational. So that a guy doesnt have boosted speed and block ratings all game only when and where its nexessary to have a higher % chance of actually seeing tha chasedown.

I know you were referring to that particilar one but it was the best example I could think of to answer your question of if this could be accomplished without abilities.
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