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Old 08-14-2013, 05:14 PM   #671
All Star
jpdavis82's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Re: Madden NFL 25 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by Sturzinator
Every year that goes by more and more people are coming to the stark realization that EA will never get this right. Years of stagnation bereft of innovation and forward thinking.

There will always be a market for EA because there is that segment of the consumer population that does not truly care about football. They want dreadlocks, sock striping,CPU versus CPU spectator mode, and progressively dirty uniforms. That ( pre- teen, I assume) segment who wants to download their face and see what it looks like in the uniform of their favorite team and other superfluous fascinations.

That's all well and good, but it's not football. This is the demographic that EA panders to year after year. It's their bread and butter, and seemingly the only areas if the programming they are adept at evolving and improving.

I am always amazed at some of the hardcore EA fanboys on here that are in perpetual denial and defending this lackluster product at every turn. My recent favorite was a comment stating " just use your imagination" in reference to some of the ridiculous and looooong standing CPU AI flubs. ROLFLMAO. Why pop the game in at all, just close your eyes and imagine everything.....

The fact is, Madden has never been and will never be the football game that we football purists want to see. Madden was light years behind 2k and was never going to catch up. They clearly understood this, so they bought out all the competition instead if upping their own game. They've been coasting ever since.

I am officially fed much longer until everyone else is too?

Tick tock EA.

see you in November

I disagree that more and more people are giving up, I think more and more people are starting to have hope and can see the direction this game is headed. Now like I said, in November, on next gen, then people REALLY will start to see the direction and have more than just hope, they will have evidence.

Last edited by jpdavis82; 08-14-2013 at 05:17 PM.
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