08-16-2013, 01:47 PM
Re: Madden NFL 25 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (360, PS3)
Quote: |
Originally Posted by Only1LT |
I've noticed the same thing.
In the skills drill, when you're supposed to throw a pass low, no matter how long I held the stick down, the ball would never be lower than chest high, and sometimes the receiver caught the ball over his head, yet it still gave me a check as if the pass was low.
In games, it was harder to lead receivers as well. Seemed very limited.
Most likely, this is their "fix" for being able to change routes so drastically last year. Instead of having the same amount of control over the pass, but making the receivers not be able to adjust to changes that are too drastic through modifications of reaction time, awareness, and locomotion, they just greatly toned down how much you can control the ball's vector, because this is Madden, and passing is so tethered that ball control and receiver control are practically one and the same.
Long story short, to say that Tiburon is clueless about how to implement a passing game, would be a grievous understatement. They have been quite inept on this front since Madden 99, when they pretty much nailed the passing game, only to turnaround and botch it on the PS2 and henceforth (with the exceptions of 2003 and 07).
Not coincidentally, 99 was the last game made before their truly talented designers left to form their own studio and create another Football game, that you may have heard of.
Could you elaborate on what was different about passing in 99 and 04/07? I played Gameday on ps1 so I don't have any recollection of that game and I don't remember 04 & 07 well enough to recall the passing....