08-20-2013, 10:48 AM
OVR: 13
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Quebec, Canada
Re: NHL 14 Demo Available Now For 360, Later Today For PS3 - Post Your Impressions He
I played 6 periods of play now and two full HUT tournaments so far and I have to say that I loved how the game felt. I played on Hardcore Simulation. However, it's still way too early to be able to have a good judgement on the game.
What I Like About the NHL 14 Demo:
- Hitting: more realistic, with accidental contacts and some big hits.
- Skating: more fluid, pivoting is better and strafing is a great addition.
- Passing: more responsive, cycling and team play are better, one-timers too.
- Fighting: so much fun.
What I Want to See Improved or Changed:
- No penalties for shooting or hitting after the wistle, which always starts a fight. It will get abused.
- Even if they are fun, fights happen way too often in the demo. And we should always have the choice to start or decline a fight.
- Faceoff spamming is still possible.
- Game pace is too fast.
- Goalies rebound control is still not that good.
To me, the main problem with NHL 13 was superhuman goalies, so I'll have to play more games with 14 to see if goalies were tuned down enough. So far, it seems better, but I may even have to wait for the real game to make a final idea. I'm also not sure that I like the changes made to poke checks, I will have to play more games for this too.
Last edited by Al_Tito13; 08-21-2013 at 11:11 AM.