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Old 08-20-2013, 10:55 AM   #74
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VDusen04's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: Classic Teams Return to NBA 2K14

Originally Posted by Mintsa
I'd even be willing to pay a few dollars for each additional team. For example:, say they had the 2000 Raptors for download on PSN for like $ 2.99....I'd buy that.

Or they could even bunch teams together and have little retro download packs of 2 or 3 teams each.
I know I always say this, but you know the cool thing about that 2000 Raptors team specifically in its relation to 2K? Eight of those players are already in the game (if counting Dee Brown from the Legends Showcase in 2K12). The jerseys are also already in the game. All that'd really be needed to bring that squad to life would be their 2000 court art and maybe Antonio Davis and Alvin Williams if we were lucky.

I think there's quite a few teams like that where it'd only seem to take one more small nudge to bring another incredible team to life. Well, perhaps I'll fall short of calling the 2000 Raptors incredible, but I feel like the reward (i.e. the amount of people who'd enjoy using a VC/T-Mac combo) may far outweigh the risk (throwing existing players onto a team, altering their attributes, creating court art for an arena already included).
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