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Old 08-22-2013, 05:15 AM   #1102
Indyboy180's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Aug 2009
Re: Madden NFL 25 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions (360, PS3)

Alright where to start...

Something is wrong with Madden 25 or maybe Madden 25 isn't for me.

There is just something unnatural about this game for me. I feel like the controls are a little clunky and
stiff. Now I was playing on All Pro and I was getting the hang of it early on but passing the ball, it just feels
odd to me. My timing is off and I'm throwing picks left and right and as I practiced I got better but still the controls
just bug me.

Running however is more fun and I do like the precision modifier but it's still an odd system having to hold the Left trigger to make move and still hold the right trigger for speed as well. I had the most fun running with Frank Gore, he was a beast... Eddie Lacy didn't seem to have anything special to him (then again he's a rookie).

Also and this is an odd criticism. You want to talk about robotic commentary... Danielle Bellini doesn't sound natural at all. It might be her voice recording or how it's presented but she comes off sounded robotic and systematic and honestly somewhat nasally lol.

Forgot to mention defensive line, I couldn't get any pressure or push off from the offensive line, it still right stick maneuvers right? I was struggling mightily with defensive line.

My main beef is with the controls, they've lost the fluid cool touch I enjoyed in Madden 13. And don't get me started on Pre snap menus... Good grief that's a mess all in its own.

I'll give the demo a few more test runs but I'm sticking with Madden 13 as of right now.

Last edited by Indyboy180; 08-22-2013 at 05:21 AM.
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