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Old 08-22-2013, 01:31 PM   #220
cthurt's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Portsmouth, Virginia
Re: NBA 2K14 Gameplay Videos - Euroleague

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Graphics don't exist in a vacuum so if 14 has more animations or other things going on that in turn could effect the quality of the graphics being that they have reached max capacity for horsepower and memory for this generation of consoles.

We don't know what the tradeoff's are but at this point there have to be some when your maxing out of resources. All the teams and players and uni's and animations etc eat up memory. You can't just keep adding things to a system that is near capacity you have to start balancing.

So I can't speak for everyone else but that is what I mean when referring to graphics tapped this gen. Sure they could get you a little more here or there but probably at the expense of something else.

At the end of a generation there are more important things to me than graphics because in NOV that part is taken care of.
That makes since, but let me ask you this do you think with the graphics being so much greater in next gen will the gameplay take a hit or will next gen have the power to give ou both at its best rather then one side lacking more then the other, Im all for good gameply too but i love good visuals too so im kind of in the middle.
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