08-23-2013, 07:47 PM
OVR: 1
Join Date: May 2005
Location: New Jersey
Re: NHL 14 Demo Available Now For 360, Later Today For PS3 - Post Your Impressions He
I really love what they did for the fighting. So far the only time i've been forced to fight is when I've gone out of my way to take a run at a start player.
So to avoid getting into these fights I have to pull back on the hitting and only hit when necessary or not go full speed into people. It's kind of the whole point of having an enforcer engine like this.
In real hockey if there were no enforcers then some of the hitters would just start running everybody with no one to keep them in check. It's the same in the game now. If you think you can freely run people then you're going to get pulled into a fight and have to sit. Makes a lot of sense