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Old 08-26-2013, 08:33 PM   #55
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Re: Armor & Swords Custom Slow Speed Simulation Style M25 Sliders

Originally Posted by Trojan Man
Yes, your set and Roadman's are very similar. Both sets work well in the CCM mode (I have been playing the early release version of the game).

I have made an observation after playing both sets: reaction time needs to be at 60 minimum, and pass coverage needs to be around 70 minimum. These settings in combination have allowed me to get realistic completion percentages for both my team and the CPU.

Just a thought as you continue to develop these. I think that the rest of the sliders are good to go, personally.

Most of these slider relationships look a LOT like NCAA 14 mixed with M13, which does not surprise me...

The concern I have is CPU QB ACC...

It's looking like the lower values will create over / under throws, but when you drop them that low, the AWR takes a big hit and you end up with other issues...

I'm guessing the trick is going to be finding a way to make the CPU QB comp percentage realistic without dumbing down the AWR to the point where they only throw screens and checkdowns...

I found that to be the case in NCAA 14...values like 5-10 etc. just lead to very conservative high percentage passes...

When I went to 35-40 they took some shots at more difficult passes, which lowered the comp percentage and varied the pass selection...

Not going to be surprised if that's going to be the case here as well...

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