Thread: Best O-line?
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Old 08-28-2013, 06:38 AM   #3
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Re: Best O-line?

Originally Posted by crowhop
LT - Elite Joe Thomas 96
LG - Gold Brandon Albert 94
C - Elite Pouncey 95
RG - Gold DeCastro 94
RT - Elite Carimi 94

A lot of folks prefer Hutchinson at LG over Albert. Hutchinson is rated 93.

And I prefer the "Rookie" Fluker at RT, rated 93.
I prefer Hutchinson to Albert at LG. Much better stamina. If you are running a no-huddle offense, Albert useless.

Haven't played with Rookie Fluker or Eric Fisher yet. If you run a pass orientated offense, both LT Jake Long (94) and an Elite LT Joeckel (94) are better pass blockers than Elite Carimi. Gold Kalil is an excellent value card too.

If you want to play smash mouth football, the best thing you can do is get the Elite Heath Miller card. Nasty run blocker.
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