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Old 08-29-2013, 11:21 AM   #2
Twitch/YouTube: Fiddy14
Fiddy's Arena
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Re: NHL 14 Producer Interview 8/28

3. Reality must be defied to maintain fun.
The task of a sports video game producer is to find the proper balance between authenticity and fun.

“One thing hardcore (players) talk about when they play our game is that sticks go through sticks. In reality, sticks can’t go through sticks,” says Rammer, dropping science. “Why don’t we make it so sticks don’t through? We tried that. In real life, if there was a stick in your way, you’d go around it, but we don’t have that fidelity right now with our controls. We can’t allow the sticks to contact each other—it makes for a non-fun game-play experience. So we bend the authenticity of the real world to allow for a better experience.”
this is the main thing that bothers me.

they can do it, but its not "fun". to who? the causal gamers? cool, thats fine! but why not give us hardcore and casual guys the option to turn this on or off?

if you want it to be defaulted to off in main online/offline game modes, again fine. but give us an option to turn it on for all offline modes and give us a custom lobby so we can play with it on and even a lobby for ranked games with it on.

look at that, you just made both types of NHL gamers happy.

again, he stats that this is the most authentic game on the market. hello, its the ONLY game on the market. dont tell us its the most authentic when you fully support the casual gamers 100%. bc you just contradicted yourself.

im fine with this being an arcade game with authentic elements added in. why cant he say that?

just say its our video game and we want it fun, fast paced, up and down action, but we also want to add some cool authentic elements you see when watching an NHL game live or on TV.

siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiigh!

oh, and they havent finalized if the game will go next gen for NHL 15.

Q: Are there plans for NHL 15 to be on next-generation consoles.

Sean Ramjagsingh: We’re still assessing that right now. We haven’t announced anything publicly yet. We’ll have something soon though.
if thats the case, i hope NHL 14 is the last game they put out.

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Last edited by Fiddy; 08-29-2013 at 11:25 AM.
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