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Old 09-03-2013, 03:43 PM   #10
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Join Date: Sep 2013
M-dog,oh how I love ill informed comments. The fact is,they didn't reward you enough for being a legend. I mean a legend and my cap is 81/82 as a winger? Really? Get a clue. At least NHL 12 I was able to be an 89overall. I think they should make legend harder to obtain by increasing games played needed,making grades harder like NHL10 and that way the gap between true great players and the rooks will be obvious and rightly so. Fix the AI, where a bad team gets a superb comp d and fix the broken stick lift. This game needs help and taking away an already low overall cap is not the answer. Go watch some Bure highlights and look how quick he dangled,that is how it should be.
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