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Old 09-08-2013, 01:03 AM   #65
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Re: NBA 2K14 Hands-On Preview - Association Mode, Presentation, Gameplay & Online Det

Originally Posted by Money99
I think you're right.
I still believe NBA2K has the best franchise mode out of all the sports games.
The NHL series has been lacking for a long, long time. It's actually quite embarrassing with how few options there are.
Then there's the Fight Night series. Don't even get me started.

With how prevalent online gaming has become, I think most development company's are relying on gamers to create their own online dynasty modes.
But for a near-40-YO gamer like myself, I only play offline.
So there is a lot to be desired when it comes to these offline franchise/dynasty modes.

Saying that, when I had NBA2K12, it was the most absorbed I've been in a career mode in a long time.
I feel you there. The push toward online fantasy gaming (MyTeam, Crew, MyPlayer) by developers (while often ignoring offline) is kind of killing me a little. I wish there was a an NBA game out there that focused largely on the fantasy "make your own star and buy him gear by earning online points" angle while there was another quality NBA game out there that remained primarily focused on a real-life replication.
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