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Old 09-10-2013, 12:59 AM   #66
KyotoCarl's Arena
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Re: Buy NBA 2K14 For 360, Trade it in later for the Xbox One version for $9.99

Originally Posted by franzis
Fine, but it still sounds odd to me. As yungsta404 confirmed above, basically they're pushing 360 sales more than xbox1 ones.
And, besides 2k14, what's the point with some of other titles in promotion? Am I supposed to play watchdogs or assassin creed on 360 for some weeks (and maybe finish them) and then start again on xbox1 with some of the story already spoiled? Seriously?

You know what? Probably Microsoft will reach (or already did) agreements with major publishers (EA, Take2, etc) and retailers (amazon or gamestop) to go on with similar promotions (give back a game and get a new one at a symbolic price) in order to have most of used game copies in its stores or those of its business partners.
In other words they will change the mean (previously DRM) to achieve the same objective (control/limit the used games market)
I'm afraid I can't agree with you at all.
The whole thing about playing Watch Dogs or Creed until next gen coming and then starting over is a bad statement. Who is forcing you to buy Watch Dogs or Creed? You are. You don't need to buy it on current gen, especially if you are planning on buying a next gen system in November. Just wait til then and buy them.

With that statement then the whole "get the next gen version of 2K14 for $10" is an even better deal. If you feel you can't wait for next gen then you buy it now and for a small upgrade fee you get the upgraded version on next gen.

Not everyone is getting a next gen console the day it comes out. They are the ones watch dogs and creed on current gen is aimed at. We who are getting the next gen consoles can choose if we want to spend money on both or just wait til the next gen version.
What we know so far about NBA 2K14 - FAQ/QA:

My thoughts on how replays should be handled:
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