Thread: 25 Problems...
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Old 09-10-2013, 03:28 PM   #7
OVR: 2
Join Date: Feb 2007
Hipster football game fans crying again. Always good for a laugh. 2K5 killed itself because it couldn't compete on an even playing field, so it cut it's price, and the NFL would not allow one of it's games to be marketed as a budget (read: crap) title).

I bought that 2K5 because it was cheap. Played it for about 10 minutes. Hated the play calling screen, hated the catch button, hated the commentary. The half time show was a neat thing, but after the first couple of times I skipped it (i do the same with NCAA 14's). Went back to having fun with madden, like the majority of football fans.
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