09-12-2013, 04:19 PM
OVR: 1
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Indiana
Re: 10 years and an entire console generation, 2k5 still the champ
I don;t know if anyone is saying the game was perfect because it was not. But as an experience with the ESPN weekly wrap up and presentation as a whole it had just felt fresh and amazing. I had been playing Madden from the very early years on Genesis(I think) every year(I didn't buy but rented) and I liked Madden. I even bought Madden with my PS2 when PS2 launched. And I loved it but I had never really given any other FB game a chance(Well besides Tecmo Bowl series) and I was happy. But then I did play NFL 2K on Dreamcast and was blown away by it so once NFL2k5 was $19.99 it was a no brainer...BUT I NEVER EXPECTED WHAT I FOUND. An Experience with a Football game I had never had before, authenticity. It just felt as close to real as possible. Again the game was not perfect but damn good and I think everyone thought this was a WELCOMED step in football gaming. But we all know what happened after that year. Imagine what it could be like today if 2K would still be doing FB games...just look at their NBA series...evidence is all right there.