09-14-2013, 01:40 AM
OVR: 2
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Washington D.C.
Re: Help me melt this cheese!
I really don't like ranked online this year... Unranked lobby matches are the way to go if you wanna have a fun, sim game.
For counters I've found that spreading the field with DBs helps. Come out in a Dollar, Dime, or Quarter and just have 4 corners spread the field in man. It's a double edged sword though because you'll need very good linemen or linebackers to stop runs/draws up the middle. Pinching the linemen could help this. A great MLB in Spy in the basic cover 2 man play from the Quarter will usually clean up all runs down the middle but you can expect 4 ypc.
For the defense there isn't a whole lot you can do. If he's dropping everybody back including the tackles you can easily run a draw up the middle. Out routs and drags are the best to beat man coverage IMO. Also try to hike the ball ASAP and don't give him time to change his player's assignments. You can also try to do some WR screens.