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Old 09-14-2013, 05:47 AM   #8
OVR: 12
Join Date: Oct 2011
Blog Entries: 2
Re: We will never see a perfect game because of whiners

Dude I don't even mind whining as much as a mind inaccurate whining. And then if you're hearing a vocal minority or even a vocal majority, but their beef is something that isn't even legitimate and they're only regurgitating what their favorite youtuber complained about...yeesh it's just like hard to decipher the noob noise from legitimate gripes. WE aren't the final say, the real NBA / basketball is the final say on what is a legitimate gripe and what is something that is all too often the result of 1. being a noob to 2k 2. being a noob to basketball 3. being a casual fan 4. user error. Not all feedback is good feedback because it could be the result of any of those reasons, that's why it's good to contrast any feedback with the reality of the sport / NBA.
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