09-16-2013, 08:38 PM
OVR: 7
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Texas
Question about Basic vs. Deluxe new stadiums
In my CFM, I'm moving the Titans home to Houston (Oilers, of course), and giving them a Sphere Stadium, in the vein of "what if the Astrodome were built today, and was as much of an architectural marvel by modern standards as it was in the 1960s?"
Likewise, I'm moving the Bills to Toronto (chose the name Thunderbirds) and am going with a Traditional Stadium, because I want to see them play in the Canada snow. (Unless maybe the Futuristic Stadium doesn't close its roof...can it?)
Anyway, I see that the Basic versions of stadiums come with all the amenities just at level 1, while the Deluxe versions, while more expensive, start them at level 4.
So I ask for clarification: If I go with a Basic stadium, can I still upgrade those amenities later, like I can with existing stadiums? Pretty sure the answer is still yes, but I have to be sure.