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Old 09-16-2013, 11:32 PM   #28
OVR: 2
Join Date: Sep 2010
Originally Posted by papaey
Whats with you.if you dont like the mode then just dont play it. fanboy.
how am I fanboy? that makes no sense. seeing as how I love 2k. the reason I don't want crew is because I dont give a flying crap about it. I think it was a crap mode in the first place. it was a bunch of glitchy players just runnning around and ball hogging or spin dunking.. it was, in my opinion one of the worst modes ever done by 2k.

as far as path of greatness I could care less about Lebron, or anything associate with him. Not only that, I dont think the mode is that great an idea seeing as how there is alread CAL. so the fact that the modes aren't there are great for me. I don't even have to see them on the screen. so there is NOTHING wrong with me. They are just modes I don't like ( which is my opinion, and I feel like...yeah, I am entitled to that) and I am glad they arent next gen, since that's the version I am getting. as far as you saying I don't like it just don't play it....well if you like is so much by current gen......fanboy.
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